These exact words are what give her father his insane idea to turn her and Alexander into a chimera. If those people do tell you 'no', me and Alexander will growl at them until they say 'yes''. They find out how to transmute a chimera that can talk, and Ed is so furious at Tucker that he nearly kills him.
Asshole Victim: Shou Tucker, who fused his own little daughter with her Big Friendly Dog into an alchemical abomination in constant agony, was really asking for it when Scar kills him.
All for Nothing: Not only do Tucker's experiments end with his death as well as Nina/Alexander's at the hands of Scar, but later episodes reveal that the Amestris military had used Tucker's previous experiments as a stepping stone to successfully create healthy human/animal chimera hybrids, meaning that even from a purely scientific perspective, nothing was gained from the suffering Nina endured.